why work with us?

producer & editor

sara t
art & design
we're fun, creative, and hilarious...i mean, check out our stats below.
no seriously, we are truly pumped to share stories, connections, and joy with anyone we can. hopefully to make this complicated world just a little brighter.
not to mention that we love, love! and kindness! and people! our stories and memories can lift us up, bring happiness back in, and remind us that we're not all bad.
so...what do you think, are you intrigued? of course, you are.
meet laurie
virgo • lemonade advocate • connector
playlists, wanderlust, sandwiches
cold toes, eggs, mean people
laurie has been a producer of stuff for decades—weddings, conferences, programs, fundraisers, concerts, galas, volunteers, partnerships and projects, to name a few.
favorite producer hat to wear of all? podcaster. it's the hobby you never knew you had.

hello sara t
scorpio • banana manager • clue aficionado
laughing, 80s movies, games
inconsiderateness, sarcasm, processed food
sara t has worked in higher ed tech for over 20 years. dabbling in graphic design, visual and aural arts, and now this.
funny the path life takes you on. it's never straight, so go left.

laurie and sara t go wayyyyyy back...volunteering, attending galas, dancing, vacationing, and just hanging out. sharing a love and passion for music brought them together over ten years ago and they've been friends ever since.
givecast is the brain child of laurie bringing her podcast talent as the producer and editor, while sara t puts her art, design, and web skills on the table—meet the best looking podcast team out there.